About GHI
Migration, Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context
What is GHI?
“Migration, Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context” is the Global Humanities Institutes (GHI) 2020-2021 supported by the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Rapidly increasing international migrations have radically changed the outlook of contemporary 21st-century societies, producing cases of massive displaced and precarious lives, and bring various impacts upon local communities. These emerging phenomena have attracted critical scholarship both in the humanities and social sciences in recent years.
Conditions of Migration and Precarious Lives
Our GHI encourages researchers to study and analyze the reality of the forms of life of the international migrants, refugees, and stateless people in contemporary societies.
Logistic, Geo-economics, Zoning Politics, and Local Infrastructure Initiatives
Our GHI encourages research projects on politico-economic logistics and the logic of migration.
Theoretical Issues Concerning the Questions of Unequal Citizens
The upsurge of migrant workers, refugees, and human trafficking have changed the composition of the social space and worsen the inequality among the people who live and work in the same social space but do not share equal access to the cities nor exercise political subjectivities where they spent their daily life.
Address the Issues of Migration, Logistics, and Unequal Citizens
Our GHI encourages colleagues and students to conduct various forms of knowledge production to explore the issues of migration, logistics, and unequal citizens through academic papers, artistic works, and digital approaches, to bridge universities and societies, and to link scholars with migrant workers, refugee communities, trans-local NGOs/CBOs, artist groups, filmmakers and journalists.
The 2019-2022 CHCI-Mellon Global Humanities Institutes, Migration, Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context” is developed by an association of six partner institutes:
- International Center for Cultural Studies of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
- Institute for Culture and Society of Western Sydney University, Australia
- Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Thailand
- Faculty of the Arts and Social Sciences of University of Malaya, Malaysia
- Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academia of Sciences, Poland
- Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam
Along with more than 20 participants and more than 20 guest speakers, this collaboration brings together scholars, basing in Asia or researching on Asia, from various backgrounds who have worked on multi-disciplinary research projects.
All of our events, activity, and webinars
GHI 1st pre-institute meeting
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2019, April 18th – 2019, April 21st
Online Program launch
Online forum: Migration, Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context (MLUC)/in the time of COVID-19
2020, June 15th
Refugee Youth in Action.
2020, September 27th
Webinar series session II
Pandemic, Border Politics, and Xenophobia
CHCI-GHI 2020-2021
2020, October 28th
Online conference
Interventions from the South
CHCI-GHI 2020-2021
2021, January 13th – January 14th
Webinar Series Session IV
Dialogue between Law and Society: Future Labor Policies on Migrant Fishers
2021, November 19th
Human right and Transnational Labor Mobility Workshop Series II
Can Equal Protection for Workers Transcend State Borders? —The Hard Case of Temporary Migrant Worker Program
2022, April 20th
GHI 2nd Pre-Institute Meeting
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2019, December 6th – 2019, December 8th
Online Conversation I
Refugee Advocacy and Engagement Through the Arts.
2020, August 27th
Webinar series session I
Borders, Logistics and Unequal Lives.
2020, September 22nd
WEbinar Series session III
New Migrant Worker Precarity under Covid-19 Repatriation
2020, November 25th
Online Summer Institute
Migration Logistics and Unequal Citizens in Contemporary Global Context
2021, July 26th – July 30th
CHCI-GHI 2021 Online Performance
Parastoo theater – Overcoming Hardship in Times of Crisis
2021, July 28th
Human right and Transnational Labor Mobility Workshop Series I
Non-Flag State’s Strategies for Human Rights Protection of Migrant Fishermen:
Issues and Practice In Taiwan Law
2022, March 13rd