活動日期:2021年或11月19日(五)12:50~17:00 (臺北時間)
Date & Time: 2021/11/19 (Friday), 12:50~17:00 (TAIPEI TIME)
會議連結: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89397822370?pwd=eWpocUxNRVpFQ2hKZ3hwNHRITlZOZz09
密碼: iccs1119
This event will be fully held online using ZOOM (Webinar).
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89397822370?pwd=eWpocUxNRVpFQ2hKZ3hwNHRITlZOZz09
Passcode: iccs1119
Language: Lecture in Mandarin (English Interpretation provided)
臺灣的遠洋漁業實力在全球名列前矛,擁有逾1,100 艘遠洋漁船,境外聘僱的外籍漁工人數逾2萬人,然而這些為台灣漁業帶來豐厚產值的外籍漁工,卻在遠洋漁船上面臨人口販運和強迫勞動的危險,或在「權宜船」上遭受層層剝削。面對海上勞動人權的重大危機,本工作坊將分別就「權宜船、台灣遠洋漁工勞權政策與國際人權保障」以及「海上勞動政策與漁工勞動權益」二大主題,進行法律與社會的對話,以提高外籍漁工的勞動與人權保障。
Taiwan’s offshore fishing industry ranks among the top in the world. There are more than 1,100 offshore fishing boats and 20,000 foreign fishermen employed overseas. However, these foreign fishermen, who have brought huge output to Taiwan’s fisheries, are facing the dangers of human trafficking and forced labor on fishing vessels, or are being terribly exploited in F.O.C. vessels. In the face of this major crisis of maritime labors, the two major themes—”Flag of Convenience, Labor Policies on Migrant Fishers and International Human Rights”, and “Labor Policies of Fishing Industries and Labor Rights of Fishers”—will be discussed in this workshop with a dialogue between Law and the Society to improve the labor and human rights protection for foreign fishermen.
協辦單位:台聯大文化研究國際中心、台聯大系統亞際文化研究國際碩士學位學程贊助單位:全球人文研究中心及機構聯盟- 2021年全球人文研究機構(CHCI-GLOBAL HUMANITIES INSTITUTE 2019-2021)、Andrew Mellon Foundation、教育部高等教育深耕計畫特色領域研究中心國立陽明交通大學「文化研究國際中心」、大專校院人文及社會科學領域標竿計畫